Sunday, July 13, 2008

204: 3 is half of 6

The first part of any weight loss endeavor is always the easiest. I knocked out most of the indulgences that had crept into my routine, scaled back portions a bit where I could and kept to my gym goal.

That's not to say I was a dietary saint... I had popcorn when I went to the movie and I still eat more fast food than I should, but I am eating less of all the above. And I know if I go on some sort of deprivation, soon I will crack and binge and all of my work will be undone.

I'm sure the fact that I haven't had any beer doesn't hurt either. I've had a six-pack sitting in my fridge since before the Barfleet party, back it just hasn't sounded appealing. And when I do finally crack open a bottle, it's Michelob Ultra, so not as bad as many other beers. I don't think I want to know how many calorie a McEwan's Scotch Ale has in it.



Blogger KNH said...

Hooray! Sounds like everything's working well for you. Let's keep going!


3:59 AM  

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