Pagan Pride 2k6

First of all, let me say that I totally agreed with the decision to postpone PPD because of the rainy weather on the original date. If they wouldn't have pushed it back, I would have just not gone.
Second let me say: Brrrr
Normally PPD takes place the third or fourth weekend of September, so it's usually warm. Our tent location in normal conditions would have rocked, under an oak tree with several trees to the south, give us plenty a shade. This weekend, shade + wind equalled cold. And the wind was gusty. While we fought to keep our tapestry on the back of the tent anchored, our neighbor's tent little was blown away.
The cool weather really hurt attendance (along with the afore mentioned date change). There were some plus and minuses. As the shallow male that I am, on the minus side it was too cold for nubile young pagan women to flounce around in just a peasant skirt and a scarf. On the plus side, it was too cold for 300 lb earth mothers to flounce around in just a peasant skirt and a scarf.
Speaking of weight, even though I am still stuck at 219 I was able to wear my leather jacket that has been neglected in my closet for years because I was too fat for it.
The good thing about PPD is that I get to see people that I rarely see since I am no longer active in the community. As a bonus, our tent was next to Liz's, so we got to spend the day hanging out and bantering. Liz is making and selling jewelry now, and I'll have to put up a link to her site, Ugly Stepsister's Design. Seth, another tribe member who had dropped off radar, reappeared also.
Keith and Sherri brought the newest addition to the tribe, their adopted Russian baby. Uncle Oz can't wait to teach him Klingon and how to fetch beers. :) The kid was as cute as advertised and was fascinated by everything.
By the time PPD was over, I was tired. Even though all I do is sit in chair and talk to people as they come by the tent, it's a long day. I wish they would push the start time back to 11 am.
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