I've read conflicting reviews of this movie, which range from it being pointless tripe to Jennifer Garner establishing the precedent fpr female action heroes. After braving hordes of munchkins to see it for myself (frigging half-days at school), I fall somewhere in the middle.
Jennifer Garner pulls off being an action heroine much more convincingly that Kate Beckinsdale did in Underworld. Kate's heroics consisted of strutting about in skin-tight pleather...
sorry, got distracted by a mental image. Anyways, even though Jennifer is quite fetching in the skin tight red low-slung pants and lace-up corset...
sorry, distracted again, she plays the part much more convincingly. I have to agree with one reviewer who wrote that Jennifer Garner can actually make lame lines non-winceworthy.
As for the plot, it's pretty much standard action fare with no real surprises. It's not horrible, like the last Batman movie, but it's not Spiderman 2. There is one bit regarding OCD that I think the director could have gotten some more mileage out of, almost as if it was put in the script then forgotten about.
The bad guys are standard movie fare... nothing really unique. As a bit of fan service, the Hand really do go up in smoke when killed, and they lift Typhoid Mary in name only from Daredevil.
My rating: 3 of 5 flying monkeys.
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