Monday, February 15, 2010
Previous Posts
- I can has Star Trek (Online)
- I Can Has Star Trek?
- Felicia Day + Lightsaber Fight = Win
- SciFi Burlesque Show?
- WOTC Discontinuing Star Wars
- Dresden Files RPG Out At Origins
- Odds of Alien Contact > Odds of Girlfriend?
- Tilted Kilt > Hooters
- Whedon on FX and Push series?
- So much for that idea
Friends of Oz
My friend Nicole's website with stuff about home-brewing & aquariums (but not home-brewing in aquariums... the fish would get drunk).
Writer's Insanity
My old, I mean long time friend Marik, who has become a published author. Stuff from the Rolemaster campaign I play in.
Carlton Bale.
A really smart guy that knows a lot of tech stuff.
Ugly Stepsister Designs.
Liz's site for stuff she makes.
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