Monday, June 28, 2010
Previous Posts
- Homemade General Grievous Costume
- GM Etiquette
- Player Etiquette
- Lightsaber Laser
- New TOR Trailer
- CNN Article On D&D
- 15 Imperial Marches
- New Thundercats (Again)
- Felica Day Will Be At GenCon
- Riker And Troi Reunion
Friends of Oz
My friend Nicole's website with stuff about home-brewing & aquariums (but not home-brewing in aquariums... the fish would get drunk).
Writer's Insanity
My old, I mean long time friend Marik, who has become a published author. Stuff from the Rolemaster campaign I play in.
Carlton Bale.
A really smart guy that knows a lot of tech stuff.
Ugly Stepsister Designs.
Liz's site for stuff she makes.
I almost pissed myself. I'd heard a couple years ago it was under development, but figured it suffered the same fate as Alas Babylon, Atlas Shrugged, or the Akira live action movie. It will make it here, one way or another, but don't expect a wide market release. Probably adapted (translated) for cable.
BTW - they showed the wave motion gun, just only the final firing sequence. You know they're saving that for us fanboys. I wonder if fanboy translates into Nippon?
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