Monday, November 30, 2009

Han Solo Had A Girlfriend?

And he still shot first.

Found via Io9.


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Saturday, November 28, 2009

They (Almost) Built A Lightsaber

A show on the science channel tackled the problem of trying to build a lightsaber, but since they can't they went on to the next best thing. Found via Io9, the article is here.

Their attempts include using carbon nanotubes and plasma. Plasma sword? Sound familiar anyone?

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Felicia Day Is The Geek You're Looking For

Okay, maybe she's the geek I'm looking for. Star posted an interview with Felica Day. In addition to to fielding the usual questions about her web series The Guild and working with Joss Whedon, she talks about being a Star Wars fan and visiting Skywalker Ranch.

Cute, red-head, geeky, gamer *and* can get into Skywalker Ranch? Someone get me a 12th century tome of the arcane arts, a copper dagger and a bushel of apples. I have me a love spell to cast!

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Marvel Mocks Twilight

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody

A fun blast to the past.


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Monday, November 23, 2009

Linguist Invented Na'vi Language

Like Klingon, the Na'vi natives of Pandora in James Cameron's "Avatar" movie have an actual language, created by a USC professor. The language will become available online with the hope that it will catch on similar to Klingon.

Check out the article (in English) here.

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SNL - Obama In China

Even liberal Hollywood is getting tired of the Democrats' antics (and spending). If we can scrape up a trillion for health care, but owe China $800 billion, maybe we should pay off our debts first? It seems like the only reason they wouldn't call on our debt is that we are there biggest customer, so if our economy tanks, we could take their economy with us.

Here's an article I came across that talks about the skit.


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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dickens In The Original Klingon

A theatrical troupe in Minnesota full of Trek fans is putting on Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" in Klingon. Check out the info here.

No, I'm not playing SQuja' (Scrooge), I'm not even going to see it. But if it was here in town I'd be tempted.

I think the most surprising part is that there is enough draw for 12 shows. You'd think you'd be lucky to get enough people for a decent crowd once, let alone twelve nights.


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Cats Are Evil?

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This article, proclaims as much in the headline, but it boils down to the fact that cats are manipulative, which makes them no more evil than girlfriends.

Here's one of the articles referenced by the first one, going into more details on how cats exploit humans.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Chuck Sneak Peek

I'm glad they are bringing back Chuck. I just wonder if it will survive to Season 4 given the way networks have been canceling shows left and right. I'm also glad they are going back to the BuyMore, though I wonder how they'll explain that given Chuck and Morgan both quit at the end of last season.


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Star Trek Online - Starship Combat 101

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jovian Moon Might Support Fish

A recent study of Jupiter's moon Europa suggests that the conditions are right for it to support fish-like organisms. Check out the story here.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Joss Whedon's "Bid" For Terminator

Evidently the Terminator franchise is up for bid (not surprising after the disappointing last movie) and Joss Whedon has posted a letter regarding his bid.

Check it out here.

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Clash Of The Titans Trailer

Dammit... I know I'm going to break down and see this despite how much I might rail against recycling the entertainment of my youth.


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Felicia Day Hosts Attack Of The Show

If I'd known in advance I would have dvred it.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dollhouse Foxed

I'm sure no one is surprised by the announcement that Fox has canceled Dollhouse. They air the remaining episodes of the 13 episode season and the series will have a finale.

You know, I bet someone could make some cash selling Fox Network voodoo dolls at geek conventions.

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No Thanksgiving for Wal-Mart Employees

The nation's largest employer is going to be keeping their employees at work this Thanksgiving. Rather than shut down and give their people the day off to be with their families, Wal-Mart plans on avoiding the Black Friday chaos that led to an employee's death last year by staying open.

Now we'll see if other retailers try to follow suit to avoid handing Wal-Mart a monopoly and ruin Thanksgiving for millions more. Frankly I wish they'd just move back the open times, as they can't beat Wal-Mart without spending a crap load on labor, and open at a more reasonable hour like 8 a.m..

The other thing I'm curious about is how Wal-Mart plans on handling the crowds that form inside their building. While the crowds will be spread out more, there are sure to be incidents as people get into it over the latest cheap DVD player in the pile.

Here's a link to the article about Wal-Mart's plan.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Wal-Mart's Risky Sick Policy

I stumbled across an article that just adds one more brush stroke to the Wal-Mart image as the Evil Empire. While its public website tells anyone with H1N1 - the hinnie flu as I call it - to stay home from work, it has its own rather draconian attendance policy for its own workers.

I get the need for an attendance policy. There are enough slackers out there that call off whenever they have the twelve ounce flu or girlfriendintownitis or they just don't give a damn. In the face of mamby-pamby HR departments and people who'll sue for a job they don't want to work, there needs to be a mechanic for dealing with lazy bastards.

Most of Wal-Mart's policy sounds like typically vague corporatese, except for one draconian part. If you call in sick, they dock you 8 hours of wages. So not only do you lose out on whatever time you miss, you lose eight hours you've put in. Given the economic spectrum that Wal-Mart draws its employees from, I bet that means a lot of sick people going to work anyways, infecting others in the nation's largest employer.

While a corporate mouthpiece claimed that its policies make it easier for an employee to stay home sick and claims that it insists that anyone with H1N1 stay home, how do you think that is getting implemented at the store level? It doesn't mention waiving the penalties for flu victims or the parents of flu victims, and I suspect there are store managers going "Yeah, sure you have swine flu, get your ass in here or it'll cost you eight hours."

Check out the article here.


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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Fillion Talks Horrible Sequel

No, we don't know much yet. My idea was "Bride of Horrible", where Billy 'resurrects' Penny a la Frankenstein.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Here Come The Mummies On Bob and Tom