Thursday, July 16, 2009
Previous Posts
- Darth MC Hammer
- Cats are manipulative
- Epitath One clip
- d20 with no class?
- Too bad this isn't playing in Indy-no-place
- Noooooo... Lucas "involved" in SW:TOR
- New MechWarrior trailer
- Mandalorian 101
- Good EFCA article
- Carnivore FTW
Friends of Oz
My friend Nicole's website with stuff about home-brewing & aquariums (but not home-brewing in aquariums... the fish would get drunk).
Writer's Insanity
My old, I mean long time friend Marik, who has become a published author. Stuff from the Rolemaster campaign I play in.
Carlton Bale.
A really smart guy that knows a lot of tech stuff.
Ugly Stepsister Designs.
Liz's site for stuff she makes.
I've ordered it (as well as catching up on my Schlock Mercenary trades), so you can look at it and decide for yourself.
...I'm a sucker for GM help books... :-)
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