I have to admit that when I saw the previews for this movie, I was disappointed to see Nathan Fillon (Capt. Mal Reynolds from Firefly/Serenity) was in it, because it must mean that he is hard up for work.
After seeing a couple of positive reviews roll in, both of which compare Fillon to Harrison Ford, I decided to support a Firefly veteran and go see Slither.
Make no mistake, this is a B Horror movie. But it knows it and has no delusions otherwise. However, it's a damned witty B Horror movie. Fans of Fillon will not be disappointed (I wonder if the writer intentionally made Sheriff Pardy similar to Mal Reynolds).
This movie is not for the squeamish. There's a more than a fair amount of gore and the slithering slugs that like to go down people's throats to take them over. And bodies... lots of bodies. One thing I did notice though was that the director passed up on the hallmark of many bad horror movies. There's no nudity, gratuitous or otherwise, despite multiple opportunities. I find it a measure of intelligence on the director's part not throwing in some T&A... the movie doesn't need it and it would just lower it to the Friday the 13th level.
So go support a Firefly vet, see this movie. Just not right after lunch or dinner. Or right before.
Four out of five slimey outer space flying monkeys.
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